National Robotics Programme (NRP) organized the NRP6 Festival at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) on 10-11 February 2023 to showcase and celebrate the strides made in robotics in Singapore. Our team was present at the festival to demonstrate the capabilities of our teleoperation system. We showcased the teleoperation station with live demos of teleoperation of our Toyota COMS vehicle as well as the road sweeper, using a long-range WiFi network. Both vehicles and the teleoperation station were present at the event venue so that the visitors could see them in action.

The event was attended by representatives from industry, academia and media, as well as the friends and families of the local robotics community. The guest of honor was Dr. Tan See Leng, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry. He, along with Prof. Quek Tong Boon (Chief Executive, NRP), observed and our teleoperation live in action and interacted with our team to understand the significant benefits our system provides.